Registration for this workshop is currently closed.

Please join our email list to hear when we host it again.

Does this sound like you?

You've bought How to be an Antiracist. You've put your pronouns in your email signature. You've reposted, retweeted, and liked #MeToo posts.

Maybe that doesn’t feel like enough. (Spoiler alert: It's not!) Maybe you've felt afraid to do more because you don't want to accidentally say or do the "wrong" thing and cause more harm than good. (You're not alone!)

Let's make an action plan together!

This is one of our most popular workshops with our clients, so we’re making it available to the public. In this two hour session, designed for anyone who aspires to act as a more effective ally for any marginalized group they're not part of, you'll learn tangible ways to make a positive impact in your community.

Rather than giving you boxes to check, we'll help you design ways to incorporate active allyship into your regular routines. After this workshop, instead of worrying about what the right thing to do is every time you read about something tragic in the news, you'll have values-aligned routines to fall back on to help you take meaningful action.

Whether you’re at the very beginning, in murky middle, or at a comfortable lifelong learning stage of your DEI learning journey, if you’re eager to step up your allyship game, this workshop is for you.

After this workshop, you’ll have…

  • Increased curiosity about and understanding of your own social identities as they impact your allyship practices,

  • A more robust set of practices for engaging in more effective allyship behaviors within your community,

  • New awareness of how your own behaviors may be harmful, and a plan for making changes,

  • Increased confidence to speak up in the face of racist, sexist, homophobic, and other harmful actions, and

  • A stronger toolkit for leading more impactful and sustainable DEI initiatives at work.

Our Effective Allyship is open to aspiring allies of all identities.

  • This will be a two-part workshop, conducted via Zoom.

  • Please note: you must be able to attend both sessions and for the entire time.

  • Capacity in each session is limited to allow for interactive learning, so reserve your spot now!

What others are saying…

“I really loved Natania’s energy during our workshop.

She created space for and made it okay to have uncomfortable moments and moments of silence. That space and those moments allowed us to have more time to reflect so we did not feel rushed in our responses.

This workshop was such a good use of our time!”

“The workshop was fantastic and impactful!

Natania was an engaged and warm facilitator and her vulnerability helped create a wonderful space for us to examine our behaviors and beliefs to better live out our values (and maybe reconsider those values when needed).

I feel more equipped to show up in a meaningful way as an ally.”

Sliding scale pricing

To make this workshop accessible to as many people as possible, we’re offering sliding scale pricing. Curious to learn more? We recommend this short overview from Radical History Club, as well as this explainer from Alexis J. Cunningfolk, the original creator of the image below.

If you’re veiwing this on your mobile device, click on the photo to see an enlarged version.

Ready to sign up? Great!

  • Step 1: Reserve your spot now and follow the instructions on the registration page. You’ll be able to select your sliding scale price.

  • Step 2: After you pay, you’ll receive a confirmation email with the Zoom link and additional information.

  • Step 3: About a week in advance, we’ll send you links to materials to review prior to the workshop.

  • Step 4: Join us for the first session of the workshop!

Feel free to email us with any questions.

Who’s facilitating this workshop?

Hi, I’m Natania.

I’M HUMAN. As a white, Jewish, queer woman with invisible disabilities, I have an orientation to justice work that is informed by both my privilege and my marginalization. I’m California-born with a New York soul -- I meditate by doing jigsaw puzzles and am teaching myself to play ukulele. I’m a life-long learner and show up every day with my strengths and weaknesses in tow.

I'M A PRAGMATIST. I have a B.A. in Sociology from Vassar College and an M.B.A. in Organizational Behavior from the Yale School of Management. My institutional learning has taught me that there is valuable work to be done within our preexisting structures to set the foundation for long-term systemic shifts. Change will not happen overnight, but we can learn to live our values and challenge normalized inequities.

I'M DEDICATED. I am committed to progressive systemic change, and my activism practice is core to how I live my life. I volunteer and show up with organizations like Avodah, the Movement for Black Lives, Jews for Racial and Economic Justice, and Swing Left. I’m hands-on, from crafting a sign to organizing in resistance.

I'M DETERMINED. For more than a decade, I’ve pushed to make workspaces safer, fairer, and more fulfilling, but I also know when I’m out of my lane. I model vulnerability and show there is strength in asking for help. When it comes to diversity, equity, and inclusion, the truth is that I don’t know how to not do this work.